My friend was banned from Bloodlines, can they be unbanned?

Creation date: 8/28/2019 11:19 AM    Updated: 8/12/2023 10:44 AM   0 banned unban
I'm sorry, but we cannot reverse permanent bans. If someone is banned, it means they violated our terms, were warned by us that if they continue violating terms, their account will be banned, and then violated our terms again. Sometimes we allow multiple warnings / second chances. In rare cases, we may ban someone immediately if they are openly and egregiously violating our terms.

If we were to reverse a permanent ban, we would have to reverse all permanent bans in order to be fair to everyone. Sometimes people come back to us and say that they've changed and ask if that can be considered in a ban reversal. Unfortunately, it can't, or everyone would just say this. All you can do is avoid being banned in the first place, and take it seriously when we warn you.

We would also like to address rumors that go around such as:

1. We banned someone for no reason: we don't do this. We get so much grief and hurt feelings over bans, we wouldn't do it unless we really had to.

2. We banned someone because of a lie that someone else made up: we don't ban people based on hearsay or mere reports. We only ban based on convincing evidence that a violation occurred.

3. We banned someone for personal reasons, or we are "playing favorites". No, we don't do this either. We don't have favorite players or clans, and we strive to not form relationships with players so that we can remain impartial.

4. We didn't ban someone who deserved to be banned because they spend a lot of money. Money spent is not a factor in whether we ban someone. We have banned many very high-profile players and people who spend money. In addition, we don't generally know who spends a lot of money. This is something we would have to make a special effort to look up, and we don't spend our time doing this.