Determined Achievement

Creation date: 4/19/2019 8:56 PM    Updated: 1/20/2023 7:15 PM   0 achievements determined reset well
There have been updates to the Determined Achievement. If you have questions about this achievement, please see these blog posts:

Regarding confirmation messages:

In order to keep track of your progress and make doubly sure that you are succeeding in touching a Well, we recommend that you SAVE A COPY of the message that you get when you touch the well that tells you what your determined status is. The message will look like this:

You touched the Determined Well at 2023-01-20 19:07:20. Your last Determined Event was at 2022-12-19 11:10:39, which was before SL time yesterday (2023-01-19), so your Determined achievement has been reset to 1 day. Your confirmation code is: 3207396498362

IF YOU DON’T GET A MESSAGE THAT LOOKS LIKE THIS IN LOCAL CHAT, IT DIDN’T WORK, AND YOU NEED TO TRY TOUCHING IT AGAIN. There is no harm in touching a Well more than once a day. In fact to make doubly sure you are succeeding, you can touch a Well until you get this message:

    [15:58] :: You already satisfied your Determined achievement today at 2023-01-20 19:07:20 SLT. Your count is at 1 day!

If you believe that your Determined Achievement was reset to 1 day in error, please include your records of the message you received on the day that the system did not get a touch from you.